Searching: You can search through the EZCalendar database for text in any note, appointment or yearly event. The check boxes are: 1. Ignore case: Checked, the search will not be case sensitive 2. Wrap around: Checked (and if “Search all years” is checked as well), the search will continue till the last year currently handled by EZCalendar (2039) and once that year is searched, the search will start at the first year (1904) and continue until the year at the start of the search. 3. Search all years: Checked, the search will check all years (not just the current year). 4. Search Daily: Checked, the search will check any daily notes. 5. Search Yearly: Checked, the search will check any yearly events. 6. Search Appointments: Checked, the search will check any appointments. NOTE: You can cancel a search by holding down the Command key and hitting the '.' key.